

Recipe: Singapore’s Favourite 9-Layer Kueh (九层糕)

It seems that people are craving for anything colourful. The rainbow cakes craze has been hitting bakeries and cafes around the world. But, stand aside, rainbow cake… Singapore has its own version of colourful steamed cake called 9-layer kueh, which is coated with a different colour on each layer, long before the entrance of rainbow cake.

As stated by Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers Association, there exists around one vending machine per 23 people in Japan. And the annual sales of these 5 million vending machines across Japan total more than $60 billion. (Internet Photo)

Vending Machines Are Coming to Singapore in a Big Way

I love the convenience of a vending machine. With the vending machine, I can purchase what I want simply by pressing the button after inserting coins or notes. And I am fascinated each time the product pops out of the machine like magic. Furthermore, I won’t be stalked or pestered by commission-driven salespeople. I’ve experienced

Volunteers recording information of donated food. (Courtesy of Food Bank Singapore)

Reducing Food Wastage

Have you heard of The Food Bank Singapore (FBSG)? And do you know that apart from Singapore, the “food bank” also exists in countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong, and more? The names of the food bank may be different, but their purpose is the same – a non-profit and

Are We Content With What Charity Organisations and Foundations Are Doing in Singapore?

In late imperial China, public goods like basic education or bridge construction were mostly enabled with voluntary contributions of local notable individuals. They helped fill the gap in social needs and strengthened the spirit of charity among the locals through actions of giving. Philanthropy played an important role in ensuring the sustained functioning of society.

gaming addiction

Online Games Addiction

Unsurprisingly, Singapore has a rather avid gaming culture – just look around and you will see cybercafes full of teenagers clicking away and at home, teens and adults alike gaming late into the wee hours. You do not even have to look far: young children are playing with their parents’ mobile phones nowadays, and they

truthful news reporting where should Singapore stand

Truthful News Reporting: Where Should Singapore Stand?

The compromise of press freedom in the mass media industry is a familiar topic. However, given the rapid connectivity of today’s society, such a compromise has so far-reaching an impact that a revisit of this topic would be necessary. Where does Singapore stand in truthful news reporting? And what are some lessons we can learn

Grace Ng, founder of the Eczema & Allergies - Go Natural Health Champions Support Group, and her youngest son Percy. (Courtesy of Grace Ng)

One Woman’s Battle With Eczema and ‘Topical Steroid Addiction’?

Grace Ng, founder of the Eczema & Allergies – Go Natural Health Champions Support Group, talks about her struggle with eczema and ‘topical steroid addiction’, as well as her efforts to raise awareness about the condition. At So Clever SG, the Oral English & Writing Classroom in Centropod along Changi Road, we meet up with Grace Ng, founder of the Singapore-based, Eczema & Allergies

Matthew Quek, an educator, singer-songwriter and vocal specialist (matthewquekonline.com)

When Life Is Hard, Bounce Back Like a Roly-Poly Toy

“The true worth of an individual lies in not how many accolades and credentials one receives, but the kind of person one is, within the heart and character.” – Matthew Quek, educator, singer-songwriter and vocal specialist In an exclusive Epoch Times’ interview, award-winning singer and educator Matthew Quek and local film director Kelvin Sng speak about

Should-Indonesia-Emulate-Singapore- Model-of-Eradicating-Corruption

Should Indonesia Emulate Singapore’s Model of Eradicating Corruption?

Not only does truthfulness among people create peace of mind and promote relationships of trust, but it is also the basis for a nation’s survival. A culture of dishonesty leads to endemic corruption, and corruption is often known as a destroyer of prosperity. Thus, since independence, Singapore’s leaders have made the eradication of corruption one of

Dr Patrick Khor, founder and CEO of iBosses (Courtesy of Dr Patrick Khor)

Entrepreneurship: Advice and Perspectives From Dr Patrick Khor, Founder of iBosses

“I believe that everyone has to experience entrepreneurship at least once in their lifetime.” – Dr Patrick Khor,  founder and CEO of iBosses Starting and growing a business is challenging, but is there a system to increase one’s success? Yes, says Dr Patrick Khor, founder and CEO of entrepreneur coaching company iBosses. With over 15 years of

Mdm Roslina Mohd Shariff and her husband Mr Haji Kamal. (Epoch Times)

A Woman’s Passion for Preserving Traditional Rawon Cuisine

 “If I don’t pass it on, everything will be gone. I want people to eat traditional Rawon cuisine from this generation to the next. – Mdm Roslina Mohd Shariff, owner of Mr Rawon – the House of Traditional Cuisine Mdm Roslina Mohd Shariff, 53, and her husband Mr Haji Kamal, 65, serve up authentic Rawon cuisine at


Is Singapore a Gracious and Kind Society?

According to the SKM-commissioned study ‘The State of Graciousness in Singapore’, which polled 1,200 residents, respondents carried out or experienced fewer acts of kindness and graciousness as compared to 2011. In 2013, Singa, the popular official mascot of the Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM), resigned from its role shortly after the announcement of the Gracious Index,


Ethos Behind Koufu’s Success

“A typical Koufu customer is the man-in-the-street, therefore Koufu has the obligation and responsibility to do good things for the general public.” – Mr Pang Lim, founder and managing director of Koufu Koufu’s logo consists of four brisk calligraphy brush strokes that represent the Chinese character ‘mouth’. Since its inception in 2002, Koufu believes that


Project Awareness—Promoting Volunteerism in Singapore

“It is not just giving back to society; people must know that there is compassion in the world.” – Elson Soh, singer-songwriter and founder of Project Awareness, from an interview with youth.sg Elson Soh, a singer-songwriter who made his debut in Taiwan in 2014, is a dedicated volunteer in Singapore. Beneath his youthful façade, the 28-year-old is

PlayDate Singapore: The Importance of Reading Aloud to Kids

Reading is extremely important for kids, as it is the foundation and backbone of knowledge. A child’s reading skill is crucial to their academic success in school.– Ms Norashikin Haslir, the founder of PlayDate Singapore (WATCH: PlayDate: Where books come out to play…) The class at PlayDate Singapore is a literary playground, where preschoolers participate in storytelling and

The Secret to Acing PSLE Problem Sums

(WATCH: The Secret to Acing PSLE Problem Sums – Genius Young Minds) Ms Nur Hidayah Ismail, principal of Genius Young Minds (GYM), has an open secret that many parents aren’t aware of. She knows the exact formula to unleash a child’s success in mathematics. According to Ms Nur Hidayah, these maths concepts made easy methods, help


Are Elderly Too Old for Technology?

The 2014 IDA Survey shows that one-third of senior citizens are using their smartphones to access the Internet, a 19 percent increase from 2012. Nowadays, it is common to see people in Singapore possessing smart gadgets. Board a bus or take the MRT, and most commuters have their eyes glued to their phones, especially the

Mr Eric van der Hoeven, CEO of JTH Group at JOS Innovation Awards 2016-17, held on Mar 3, 2017, at The Arts House. (Epoch Times)

JOS Innovation Awards 2016-17

“Skillset is just one part of the equation. Attitude, energy and enthusiasm are so much more important than skillset alone.” – Mr Eric van der Hoeven, CEO of JTH Group It’s your attitude, not your aptitude that determines your altitude, said Mr Eric van der Hoeven, CEO of JTH Group, in an exclusive interview with Epoch Times.


Are Singaporeans Compassionate?

According to the 2014 World Giving Index, Singapore ranked 18th for how often residents donate to charity. Compassion and kindness are fundamental traits that define mankind. Some philosophers like Laozi consider them inborn qualities to all humans. But since ancient times, they have been universally regarded as qualities of the virtuous. In our politically and

Age of Terror: Singapore’s Struggle Against Communist Terror

The link between communism and terrorism is irrefutable. To quote from the ‘Communist Manifesto’: “The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions” – in other words, the atheist Communist Party’s means of securing power is

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