
Dignity Kitchen: Giving Seniors a Slice of Happiness

Dignity Kitchen: Giving Seniors a Slice of Happiness

On March 31 2016, a group of senior citizens from THK CREST @ Bedok Radiance arrived at Dignity Kitchen at 267 Serangoon Ave 3 for a special lunch treat – a complete meal of nasi lemak, hot beverages, and desserts. This is part of the vision of Mr Koh Seng Choon, the Executive Director of

Apps and Technology for Seniors

Nowadays, many countries are facing the impact of an ageing population. In Singapore, a quarter of the population will be 65 years and older by 2030. With more people ageing, providing good health and elderly care is a challenge. Thankfully, both designers and technologists are prompted to develop new products that target our greying population.


Elderly Care Services for an Ageing Population in Singapore

Do you know the types of senior care services available in Singapore? With the ‘Silver Tsunami’ coming in 2030, it is good for Singaporeans to keep abreast of the eldercare services available here. These services include a variety of day care centres, nursing homes, activity centres and even support on caregiving for the elderly. Eldercare


Are Our Elderly Getting the Care They Needed?

In Singapore, it is common to hear phrases such as “ageing population”, “eldercare” or even “narrowing tax base”, but what do these actually mean to you and me? Most of us are aware that Singapore is facing an ageing population, where the proportion of elderly people is increasing. In fact, the statistics can be quite

Building a Culture of Innovation in Singapore

How do you cut a cake into eight slices with three cuts?” This seemingly impossible question was posed by Dr Günter Pfeiffer at the Switzerland – Slovakia Growing Through Innovations symposium, a forum about the value of innovation in society’s development. As trivial as Dr Pfeiffer’s mathematical problem sounds, he uses it in his innovative

Singapore’s Elderly Loneliness Epidemic

Mr Hoong Hing Weng’s soft eyes gazed at a group of young children playing in the distance. “I love kids,” he said with a smile. Wearing a plain white T-shirt and brown shorts, Mr Hoong, 82, has been living in Chinatown most of his life – alone. He has no children. He divorced his wife

Fostering Communication Between the Youth and the Elderly

As our parents and grandparents get older, it’s time we repay them for the selfless devotion and care they have showered us over the years. In 2010, National Family Council (NFC) launched an educational television commercial about filial piety. Titled ‘Father And Son’, the advertisement was part of the “Filial Piety” campaign supported by the

Ravi Velu—F & B Service With A Human Touch

By Vibrant Dot Staff Where can you find authentic yet affordable fish head curry in Singapore? Velu’s Curry is the answer. Also known as The Singapore Curry @ Velu’s, this Halal-certified Indian restaurant is located in Eunos Community Centre. It is reputed for its whole fish head curry, and its North and South Indian cuisines.

Caring for the Elderly in Singapore

By Vibrant Dot Staff According to the United Nations World Population Prospects (UNWPP), Singapore’s senior population will grow to 1,258,441 in the next two decades. 23 percent of Singapore’s population or one in five Singaporeans will be 65 and older by 2030. This silver tsunami is exacerbated by the fact that there will be only

Tan Min- Liang, CEO of Razer.

Homegrown Tech Innovators

1. Sim Wong Hoo, the founder, chairman and CEO of Creative Technology Ltd, graduated with a Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. He was once dubbed Singapore’s greatest tech entrepreneur. In 1989, Sim launched the Creative Sound Blaster audio card—a piece of computer hardware used in computers to play sounds and

6 WAYS to Nurture Creative Thinkers and Innovators

As compared to a decade ago, Singapore classrooms are getting more exciting. Students are learning gamification, 3D printing and coding; infused with an inquiry-based approach, these methods stimulate the imagination, nurture problem solvers and foster innovativeness in our next generation. Experts stress the importance of teaching kids innovation. Staying innovative is the key to our


How to Start a Business in a Smart Way

The founder, and well-respected master trainer in Amanda Consultancy and Training, Aida Amanda Atan has always craved growth. She likes to grow every five years, a phenomenon she refers to as the “weird five-year cycle”. After five years of working in a bank, she moved on to real estate in 2000. With a banking background,


Is Singapore An Innovative Nation? How do we fare globally?

Is Singapore An Innovation Nation? It is a long-term asset that drives economic  growth and prosperity in nations. Its presence cannot be seen, but its effects are significant and readily felt. “The more inventors we have, the more ideas we discover, and the richer we all are,” said Charles Jones, STANCO 25 Professor of Economics at the Stanford Graduate School

Are Singaporeans Ready for Home Rental Rather Than Home Ownership?

Imagine this in Singapore: You can rent a house for most all your life where you and your family will stay because almost everyone else is doing the same. Well, you can if you live in Germany. In fact, this rental culture is quite commonplace in European countries such as Switzerland and France. Back to


4 Floods in Singapore You May Have Missed In The Past 10 Years

Do you know we’ve had 34 floods in Singapore since 2010? On Jan 8, Singapore experienced flash floods that submerged bus stops, roads and Mercedes cars – you name it, you have it. However, this is not a first for Singapore, in fact, we have been experiencing sporadic floods for a long time now with

To Adopt or Not To Adopt? What Singaporeans Think?

Despite the hype and hopes that more couples would plan to have kids on Singapore’s 50th anniversary, the number of babies born in Singapore in 2015 was no higher than that of 2014. While the SG50 Baby Jubilee gift is certainly an incentive to have kids, couples are taking other factors into consideration before starting

Lessons From German’s Mittelstand Firms: Extreme Focus Is an Innovation

Mittelstand firms are an important part of the German economy. They are small and medium-sized firms that are usually family-owned, export-oriented, and world-class in a niche market. These firms account for 99 percent of German firms and generate about 68 percent of Germany’s total exports. In some regards, the Mittelstand firms are similar to Singaporean

What Singapore Can Learn From Switzerland

Switzerland has topped the Global Innovation Index (GII) for the fifth year in a row. In 2015, Switzerland had exceptional results in the areas of creative outputs, knowledge and technology outputs as well as business sophistication. A knowledge-based economy of only 8.1 million people, this small country often tops the European innovation index. Home to

Advice for Millennials to Thrive in Workforce of the Future

Young, meticulous, passionate – these are the qualities that represent Looi Qin En, co-founder of Glints, a Singapore-based job portal targeting millennials. Glints aims to help millennials explore jobs, internships, courses and other opportunities, and do what they love. In 2014, Oswald Yeo, Looi Qin En and Seah Ying Cong chose to drop out of

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