June 4, 2019

The Significance of Truthfulness 

Sincerity, trustworthiness and honesty among people create peace of mind and promote relationships of trust. These values form the foundation of a sustainable, peaceful and harmonious society, and constitute the basis for a nation’s survival. In this series, Epoch Times delves into the significance of truthfulness. The Chinese character 真 (zhēn), also written as 眞


Sarawak—Borneoís Oasis of Natural Wonders 

By Vibrant Dot StaffTired of Singapore’s concrete jungle and hectic pace? Jet set across the ocean to Sarawak – ‘Land of the Hornbills’, and embark on a journey back to nature. Draped along Borneo’s northwest coast, Sarawak is home to pristine wilderness, lush greenery and exceptional natural beauty, where orangutans and proboscis monkeys roam wild

Dr Hu Naiwen

All About Cancer (Part 1):

According to the Singapore Cancer Society, about 37 Singaporeans are diagnosed with cancer every day. The World Cancer Report states that there were approximately 14 million new cases of cancer in 2012, and this is expected to rise by 70 percent over the next two decades. With this alarming trend, the fear of developing cancer

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