January 7, 2019

The Uyghurs: Surviving in China (Part 3)

In Part 2 of this series, we revealed the many restrictions placed on the Uyghurs in Xinjiang after 1949, which include travel curbs, mysterious disappearances of Uyghurs returning from overseas, and banning the use of Uyghur language in schools. This issue explores worse rights violations from illicit nuclear tests in Xinjiang to suspected organ harvesting.

The man who last everthing

The Man Who Lost Everything Made Sure the Next Generation Won’t

John Robinson Lim Gokongwei Jr. was born in 1926 to a Filipino-Chinese father who had ancestral ties to China’s Fujian province. His great-grandfather was Pedro Gotiaoco, a young peddler from China who found success after establishing trading company Gotiaoco Hermanos with his brother. John was born into this wealthy family that lived in Cebu. John’s

China Transplant Tourism Exposed by Undercover Journalists

‘Killing to Live’: China Transplant Tourism Exposed by Undercover Journalists

When I went for the transplant, I didn’t know that the donor was going to be killed. -Anonymous organ recipient in China Since 1999, the convergence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s campaign to eradicate Falun Gong with China’s booming organ transplant industry has garnered global attention. Independent investigations by various international bodies have confirmed

A general view of the port facility at Hambantota, Sri Lanka, on Feb. 10, 2015.

The Beginning of the End

Since late 2013, the term “One Belt One Road” (B&R) has broken into the financial industry on a massive scale. Out of nowhere, almost every available major conference centre in the world’s most influential financial districts started to hold multilateral discussions on B&R. When you bumped into someone in the business world who didn’t know

Social Activism in Singapore

Social Activism in Singapore: The Death Penalty and LGBTQ Rights

The efforts of social activists are always seen in different lights by their supporters and opponents. While they are universally lauded for improving humanity by challenging social ills like slavery and racism, there exists legitimate dissent against activism as their zealotry directly clashes with traditional values and beliefs. The uphill battle to abolish the death

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