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Six Things You Can Do To Get Boys Reading More

The OECD consistently finds girls perform significantly better than boys in reading. This gap can also be observed across the Australian NAPLAN reading data. Research suggests reading more can improve literacy outcomes across a range of indicators. But girls typically read more frequently than boys, and have a more positive attitude toward reading. Parents read more with their daughters. This sends a strong

Kids With Cellphones More Likely To Be Bullies – Or Get Bullied. Here Are 6 Tips For Parents

Each year, more parents send their young child to elementary school equipped with a smartphone. For instance, the percentage of third-graders who reported having their own cellphone more than doubled from 19 percent in 2013 to 45 percent in 2017. Similar increases took place for fourth-graders and fifth-graders. About half of fourth-graders and 70 percent of fifth-graders went to school


To Make Friends Online, Join More Groups

“If a person is looking for friends, they should basically be active in as many communities as possible,” says Anshumali Shrivastava, assistant professor of computer science at Rice University and coauthor of the study, which the researchers presented at the 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining. “And if they want to become


How Facebook Friends Hurt Our Feelings and Our Thinking

A new study takes a critical look not just at Facebook and other similar platforms, but at the peculiarities of the systems on which they operate. The short-term effects of social exclusion posts create negative emotions in people who read them, and may affect thought processes in ways that make users more susceptible to advertising


Four Fabulous Online Furniture Shopping Sites in Singapore

Contrary to what others say, it’s easy to shop for furniture. If you completely trust a store to take care of what you want, you can just visit their showroom, pick a set that looks great and voila! Your taste, your choice – backed up by the furniture shop’s professionals. Why not? They’re pros in


Short-Term Accommodations in Singapore: Traditional Vs Non Traditional

For many people, the idea of being on a business trip or vacation means having the best accommodation. With the presence of the non-traditional accommodations that allows you to use someone else’s residence or room, along with traditional hotel accommodations that many are now using for term short-term accommodations, which is better? Traditional Short Term


Real Beauty of the World’s Top Four Bays

We’re always drawn to bodies of water. A sign of life and prosperity, it’s idyllic and dreamy when one gazes upon the sea on a relaxing holiday.   However, a usually forgotten alternative to the beauty of the ocean is the timeless and functional beauty of a bay. This loose body of calmer water should


Hipster, Bohemian and Picturesque Places for Expats in Singapore

It’s very understandable and common that if one chooses to reside in another country as an expat, he would choose one that he would feel comfortable and safe in. Enter Singapore. Making up for its size is its low crime rate and diverse culture giving expats a great place to live in. Here are the


Top 3 Dessert Places in Singapore

How often have you skipped dessert because you felt guilty about overeating after a good meal? Or felt guilty about indulging in a sugar- and fat-laden dessert? Well, you shouldn’t feel bad. A dessert is the culmination of every meal. Sometimes it can even make up for a bad meal. It’s a prize. It’s a


10 Ways to Add Life to a Small Bathroom

A bathroom’s design is important for any house. There’s a reason why it’s called restroom in the first place. It should be a place where we can all relax. Never is a bathroom’s limited size an excuse for it not to be as stylish and functional as it can be. Here are some tips. Open


How to Spend Like a Crazy Rich Asian and Not Go Broke

The reason many people go broke is because they have spent their money on things they can’t afford. While this seems obvious, there are still many who can’t answer the fundamental question, “Do you know what you can afford?” Even some people who budget may still find themselves short on cash. But there is a

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Three of the Best Train Rides to Consider for Your Bucket List

We can be so detached from nature these days. But sometimes, we find nothing that is more beautiful than the scenic views and calm which only nature can bring. But we have to make time to experience it. However, even for the busy people that we all are, there’s always a chance to get in

Hidden Gems for Kyoto Visitors

To many, Kyoto is one of the most beloved cities in Japan. It has exquisite natural scenery, traditional Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, enticing Japanese gardens, and beautiful historic shops. As the center of Japanese culture for more than 1,000 years, Kyoto has one of the world’s largest collections of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. As


‘Capsule Wardrobe’ for Women: Living Minimally but Fashionably

‘Capsule wardrobe’ is a concept that has existed even before Susie Faux, an owner of a London boutique, coined the term in the 1970s. It’s a minimalistic concept that translates to just being simple in the way one wears clothes by limiting one’s items of clothing. When it comes to one’s wardrobe, it’s understandably everyone’s


Surprisingly Easy and Enjoyable Side Gigs for Singaporean Millennials

Much as people take on extra jobs for the money, it seems that when it comes to side hustles or part-time jobs, a notable number of Singaporean millennials are doing it as a breather from their nine-to-five jobs. But if you don’t love what you’re doing in your side job, at the end of the


Uniquely Beautiful Homes in the Philippines

Beauty is always elusive. These houses might seem simple enough or too common, but it’s this very reason plus their often remote location in the Philippines that make them some of the most beautiful places to stay in the country. The houses in the list were chosen for their beautiful exterior and interiors that’s easily

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Five Amazing Kitchen Layouts for Tight Spaces

The kitchen is the heart of the home. From getting something from the refrigerator or cupboard to whipping up a meal, it’s an important part of the house that needs to be properly laid out for everyone’s efficiency and comfort. Now who says tight spaces can’t have well laid out kitchens? 1. U-Shaped Kitchen Looking


Local Beauty Products’ Wonders

When we think of ‘local beauty products,’ we usually associate it with organic products. This is correct in more ways than one. Singaporean beauty entrepreneurs are thinking globally and acting locally. This is no surprise as many women are looking for locally-sourced beauty products. With the quality that only organic products can bring, the ‘Made


Uniquely Filipino Souvenirs and Gifts: True Pinoy Goods

The Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards for 300 years and is currently very much into Western culture. Hence, the Filipino way of life is a colorful mix of Malayan, Spanish, Eastern and Western influences. If you want the best Filipino souvenirs and gifts, you need to go to a specialized shop. If a website

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Book Art: When Literary Art meets Visual Art

One of the most upsetting things for book lovers is to see a book being mutilated. Book vandalism includes but not limited to defacing, slicing and removal of pages. To many, intentional destruction of book is disturbing but what if it is done for the sake for art creation? Let’s take a little tour around