December 21, 2018

Dr Patrick Khor, founder and CEO of iBosses (Courtesy of Dr Patrick Khor)

Entrepreneurship: Advice and Perspectives From Dr Patrick Khor, Founder of iBosses

“I believe that everyone has to experience entrepreneurship at least once in their lifetime.” – Dr Patrick Khor,  founder and CEO of iBosses Starting and growing a business is challenging, but is there a system to increase one’s success? Yes, says Dr Patrick Khor, founder and CEO of entrepreneur coaching company iBosses. With over 15 years of


The Significance of Truthfulness: The Basis for a Nation’s Survival

Sincerity, trustworthiness and honesty among people create peace of mind and promote relationships of trust. These values form the foundation of a sustainable, peaceful and harmonious society, and constitute the basis for a nation’s survival. In this series, Epoch Times delves into the significance of truthfulness. Why Do You Think Truthfulness Is Important? “Some people cheat


How The Arts and Culture Sector Could Vitalise Singapore’s Economy

One of the advantages of government support for arts and culture is its limitless potential to spur sustainable development and create job opportunities. Imagine there wasn’t an interest in art in Europe during the Renaissance. Would Europe still be what it is today? Suppose there is no ‘David’ – the Renaissance masterpiece by Michelangelo in

A visitor reads a description of an artist's work inside the newly restored National Gallery in Singapore. (Epoch Times)

Interview with Singaporean Arts Enthusiast

“I think a well-developed arts and culture scene is an indicator that a society is liveable, and probably makes the country more attractive for foreign investors.” – Jane (pseudonym), a Singaporean arts enthusiast For millennials, the arts have served as a moral compass for mankind, enabling it to discern beauty from baseness and righteousness from evil.

In Chinese medicine, all mental illnesses are attributed to an imbalance in the heart. In modern terms, we could say chronic stress leads to heart problems. (

Dr Sebastian Liew: Cholesterol and Heart Health

Despite advances in modern medicine, heart disease remains the leading cause of death among adults in Singapore and in most advanced or developed countries. From the perspective of conventional medicine, the main targets for preventing heart disease are treating high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lifestyle such as smoking and alcohol, and obesity. Therefore, the emphasis


Chinese Embroidery: The Heart Strings of Chinese Culture

(WATCH: Keeping Traditions Alive! – Eng Tiang Huat, Singapore) To Jeffrey, all this effort and respect is what artisanal work is about. It is a reflection of how things were done in the old days, and though it might not be the most efficient or profitable, it is certainly the most sincere. Tucked away along Geylang

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