
How Confucius’ Teachings Guided the Creation of Japan’s Modern Economy: Part 3

The father of Japan’s capitalist economy is Shibusawa Eiichi ( 1840-1931 ), a highly respected Japanese industrialist. Guided by his study of Confucius’ Analects, Shibusawa brought Western capitalism to Japan, but with a core emphasis on morality and business ethics. In Part 1 and Part 2, we learned how Shibusawa laid the foundation of Japan’s

How Confucius’ Teachings Guided the Creation of Japan’s Modern Economy: Part 2

Continued from Part 1: The father of Japan’s capitalist economy is Shibusawa Eiichi ( 1840 – 1931 ), a highly respected Japanese industrialist. Guided by his study of Confucius’ Analects, Shibusawa brought Western capitalism to Japan, but with a core emphasis on morality and business ethics. Shibusawa consolidated his life experience and ideas in his book,

Confucius Japan part 4

How Confucius’ Teachings Guided the Creation of Japan’s Modern Economy: Part 4

Continued from Part 3: The father of Japan’s capitalist economy is Shibusawa Eiichi (涩泽荣一) (1840- 1931), a highly respected Japanese industrialist. Guided by his study of Confucius’ Analects, Shibusawa brought Western capitalism to Japan, but with a core emphasis on morality and business ethics. The purpose of self-cultivation is not for oneself, but for the cities and

Japan Confucius Part 5

How Confucius’ Teachings Guided the Creation of Japan’s Modern Economy: Part 5

Continued from Part 4: The father of Japan’s capitalist economy is Shibusawa Eiichi (涩泽荣一) (1840-1931), a highly respected Japanese industrialist. Guided by his study of Confucius’ Analects, Shibusawa brought Western capitalism to Japan, but with a core emphasis on morality and business ethics. Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men

Are the Japanese Descendants of Chinese People?

Actually, the average Japanese is unclear, and many have mixed responses to this question. Here is one popular version: Legend has it that Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇), who lived from 259 to 210 B.C., yearned for immortality and sent someone to the East to look for the elixir of life. That person was Xu Fu

Is Justice Bao’s Face Really ‘Black'

Is Justice Bao’s Face Really ‘Black’?

Justice Bao is often portrayed as a dark-skinned Chinese man, but did he really have a ‘black’ face, according to legend? Before we discuss his skin tone, for the uninformed, let us find out how he became so popular, at least to local people here. In 1974, Taiwan’s Chinese Television System Inc. (华视) produced a

Portrait of Shibusawa Eiichi

How Confucius’ Teachings Guided the Creation of Japan’s Modern Economy: Part 1

By Liu Ru To many modern Chinese, Confucianism is considered obsolete – a relic of the past that holds little relevance today. Yet few know that Japan’s modern capitalist economy was founded on the teachings of Confucianism. The father of Japan’s capitalist economy is Shibusawa Eiichi (1840 – 1931), a Japanese industrialist who spent much

Traditionally, family reunion dinners take place on the first day of the Chinese New Year with the husband’s parents, and on the second day with the wife’s family. Source:123RF

The 15 Days of the Chinese New Year: What Do They Represent?

It’s going to be the Chinese Year of Pig! This year, the first day of the Chinese New Year falls on Tuesday, February 5. Traditionally, the Chinese New Year is celebrated over 15 days. The festivities begin on the eve of Chinese New Year, when families gather together for the annual reunion dinner. The next

The Extraordinary Life of Fan Li, Ancient China’s Business Genius

The Extraordinary Life of Fan Li, Ancient China’s Business Genius

The story of the brilliant and multi-talented Fan Li is a remarkable one, and one that is rarely found in ancient Chinese history. Fan Li, who lived during the tumultuous Spring and Autumn Period, initially served as a talented strategist and minister to King Goujian of Yue (越王勾践). After helping King Goujian rebuild his kingdom,

Tolerance Is Not a Weakness1

Stories From Ancient China : ‘Tolerance Is Not a Weakness’

We live in an age that touts “survival of the fittest” – only those who are defensive and will fight for their own interests can thrive in our impersonal, urbanised societies. Yet in 2013, University of Pennsylvania biologists Alexander Stewart and Joshua Plotkin discovered that this mindset is unsustainable for society. By applying the Prisoner’s


Confucius (孔子)’ Birthday: Stories of China’s Great Sage

The late Spring and Autumn Period of the Zhou Dynasty was marked by turbulence and a degradation of moral values. Unlike the virtuous rule of their predecessors, the rulers of the various states were motivated by personal self-interest and selfish desires. Relationships broke down, and the states fought amongst each other. It was during this

The Great Mothers

Stories From Ancient China : Yue Fei

By Vibrant Dot Staff Ancient China witnessed many talented and upright historic figures, who brought great changes to their time and became role models in Chinese culture. But many of them would not have achieved this without the upbringing they received from their mothers. These mothers were more than loving caregivers, but were also their

The Eight Immortals. Fourth from the left is Cao Guojiu, who is often depicted wearing imperial robes and carrying a jade plaque. On the far left is Lü Dongbin (吕洞宾), who guided Cao to immortality.

The Eight Immortals: Cao Guojiu’s (曹国舅) Journey to Immortality

The Eight Immortals are a group of legendary Taoist deities in Chinese mythology, and the last to join the pantheon was Cao Guojiu. Traditionally regarded as the Chinese deity of acting and theatre, Cao began his life as a mortal in the royal family. He was the younger brother of Empress Cao, the wife of

Great Achievements Begin With Small Steps

Great Achievements Begin With Small Steps

By Vibrant Dot Staff There is an ancient Chinese saying, “Continuously dripping water eventually penetrates a large stone.” In other words, we shouldn’t dismiss actions or efforts that appear small and insignificant, because they can have great effects over time. Great deeds are achieved by many small but continuous efforts. Likewise, grand plans can be

Ancient But Timeless Tales on Marriage

When I first met my husband – a Canadian – eight years ago, we had never been in a relationship before (nor were we looking for one). But serendipity brought him 13,000 kilometres across the Pacific Ocean to a small tropical island that he had never set foot on before, and fate landed us in

The Benefits of Generosity: Jealousy Harms Oneself and Others Too

China’s 5,000-year-old history is enriched with thousands of stories, many illustrative of the values and virtues inherent to authentic traditional Chinese culture. One of these virtues is kindness and generosity, which the ancient Chinese regarded as most important. Jealousy, in contrast, was considered a reprehensible trait. Jealousy not only harms others but also harms oneself,

Stories of Unexpected Tolerance and Kindness

The Gentleman’s Demeanour : Stories of Unexpected Tolerance and Kindness

As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “Gentlemen of ancient times were strict and critical of themselves,but tolerant and forgiving toward others.” The practice of tolerance and forgiveness requires one to be benevolent, wise, and mature at the same time. Chinese history is peppered with great examples of ancient figures who demonstrated incredible tolerance and forgiveness, despite suffering devastating losses at the hands of others.

Stories From Ancient China : Loving Mothers-In-Law Like Their Own

Stories From Ancient China : Loving Mothers-In-Law Like Their Own

One of the core Asian values, filial piety has shaped Chinese culture for thousands of years. It is the bonding force of the family unit, and it in turn strengthens the social fabric of society. Since ancient times, filial piety has been considered amongst the most important values in Chinese culture. Children lacking in filial

Compassion and Kindness: Why They Matter

According to the Oxford dictionary, ‘compassion’ denotes the “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others”. states that “if someone shows kindness, caring, and a willingness to help others, they’re showing compassion”, and “when you have compassion, you’re putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and really feeling for them”. Is Singapore

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