
fire ravaged a village

Doing Business, Confucian Style

Traditional Confucian values — “benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trust” — sound like rather staid notions, more suitable for a refined scholar of literature than a go-go entrepreneur. But cases abound through Chinese history of Confucian businessmen, who built vast commercial empires relying on those ideas. Take the case of Hu Xueyan, a banker who

hokkian song

Learn Hokkien Words Through Hokkien Songs

Hokkien songs are known for being expressive and entertaining. Through catchy melodies, the happiness and sadness of ordinary people’s lives, as well as their dreams (and daydreams) are vividly told. Listening to Hokkien songs is a fun way to learn some hokkien words while enjoying the music; and who knows, maybe you could wow your


The Virtuous Character of a Superior Man

Confucius ( 551 – 479 BC) once said, “The orchids grow in the woods, and they let out their fragrance even if there is no one around to appreciate it. Likewise, men of noble character will not let poverty deter their will to cultivate in the Dao (道) and establish virtue.” A superior man knows

Little-Known Stories from History: Lao Zi, Confucius, and Shakyamuni (Part 3)

Shakyamuni When the great Tao was spreading in the land of China, in another ancient country, India, Shakyamuni’s Buddha law had started to spread at the same time. Shakyamuni was born in Kapilavastu in ancient India. His mother, Queen Mayadevi, gave birth to Shakyamuni at Lumbini (today’s southern Nepal) on the way back to her

Huangfu Mi

Stories of How People in Ancient Times Repented and Started Anew (part 1)

Recognising and correcting one’s mistakes is universally considered a noble virtue. As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “Who doesn’t make mistakes? Rectifying one’s mistakes is the greatest good one can do.” Since ancient times, people have admired and upheld those with the courage to face their faults and better themselves. Here are several stories of

The Value Of Learning In Later Life2

The Three Character Classic(三字经): The Value Of Learning In Later Life

The Three Character Classic, or San Zi Jing (三字经), is the best known classic Chinese text for children. Written by Wang Yinglin (1223–1296) during the Song Dynasty, it has been memorised by generations of Chinese, both young and old. However, after the Cultural Revolution in China, the Three Character Classic was banned and eventually fell


The Three Character Classic(三字经): Learning Can Occur Anytime, Anywhere, From Anyone

The Three Character Classic, or San Zi Jing (三字经), is the best known classic Chinese text for children. Written by Wang Yinlian (1223–1296) during the Song Dynasty, it has been memorised by generations of Chinese, both young and old. 昔仲尼,师项橐。古圣贤,尚勤学。 赵中令,读鲁论。彼既仕,学且勤。 披蒲编,削竹简。彼无书,且知勉。 However, after the Cultural Revolution in China, the Three Character Classic was banned

Little-Known Stories from History: Laozi, Confucius, and Shakyamuni (Part 1)

Over the past two thousand five hundred years since China’s Spring and Autumn Period, nothing has influenced Chinese culture more profoundly than the schools of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. The founders of these three schools — Confucius, Laozi, and Shakyamuni respectively — have long been respected and worshipped by succeeding generations. Interestingly, these three sages

The Significance of Truthfulness 

Sincerity, trustworthiness and honesty among people create peace of mind and promote relationships of trust. These values form the foundation of a sustainable, peaceful and harmonious society, and constitute the basis for a nation’s survival. In this series, Epoch Times delves into the significance of truthfulness. The Chinese character 真 (zhēn), also written as 眞

Massive Tang Dynasty statues of a bodhisattva Guanyin,

The Three Character Classic(三字经): What is True Goodness?

魏蜀吴,争汉鼎。 号三国,迄两晋。 宋齐继,梁陈承。 为南朝,都金陵。 北元魏,分东西。 宇文周,兴高齐。 Wei, Shu, and Wu, fought for the sovereignty of the Hans. They were called the Three Kingdoms, and existed until the Two Jin Dynasties. Then followed the Song and the Qi dynasties, and after them the Liang and Chen dynasties These are the southern dynasties, with their capital at

How Open-Mindedness-Gave-Rise-to-China-s-Longest -Dynasty

The Three Character Classic(三字经): How Open-Mindedness Gave Rise to China’s Longest Dynasty

The Three Character Classic, or San Zi Jing (三字经), is the best known classic Chinese text for children. Written by Wang Yinglin (1223–1296) during the Song Dynasty, it has been memorised by generations of Chinese, both young and old. 周武王,始诛纣。八百载,最长久。 周辙东, 王纲堕。逞干戈, 尚游说。 始春秋, 终战国。五霸强,七雄出。 King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty finally slew Zhou Xin.

What It Means To Be A ‘Son Of Heaven’

What It Means To Be A ‘Son Of Heaven’

The Three Character Classic, or San Zi Jing (三字经), is the best known classic Chinese text for children. Written by Wang Yinglin (1223–1296) during the Song Dynasty, it has been memorised by generations of Chinese, both young and old. However, after the Cultural Revolution in China, the Three Character Classic was banned and eventually fell

Three Character Classic (三字经) – The Ten Obligations: Managing Life’s Various Roles Well

By Jade Pearce, The Three Character Classic, or San Zi Jing (三字经), is the best known classic Chinese text for children. Written by Wang Yinlian (1223–1296) during the Song Dynasty, it has been memorised by generations of Chinese, both young and old. Confucius Quote: 高曾祖,父而身。 身而子,子而孙。 自子孙,至元曾。 乃九族,而之伦。 父子恩,夫妇从。 兄则友,弟则恭。 长幼序,友与朋。君则敬,臣则忠。 此十义,人所同。 Great great grandfather, great grandfather, grandfather, father and self,


Heaven, Earth, and the Moral Foundations of Chinese Faith

By Leo Timm  |  The ancient sage Confucius, who advocated the five cardinal virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith, taught that the roots of benevolence lie in filial piety and brotherly love. Confucian family-based ethics are well known around the globe as a cornerstone of the Chinese philosophical and social heritage. These 2,500-year-old

The Three Character Classic(三字经): Education in Ancient China

The Three Character Classic, or San Zi Jing, is the best known classic Chinese text for children. Written by Wang Yinglin (1223–1296 A.D.) during the Song Dynasty, it has been memorized by generations of Chinese, both young and old. 养不教,父之过。教不严,师之惰。子不学,非所宜。 幼不学,老何为。玉不琢,不成器。人不学,不知义。 However, after the Cultural Revolution in China, the Three Character Classic was banned and

Marriage or Chastity?

In ancient China, widows who decided not to remarry were considered models of loyalty and chastity. At the same time, when it came to major life-changing events, the Chinese believed that it was heaven, not mortals, who had the final say over one’s destiny. This principle is embodied in the folktale behind the proverb “Just

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