May 2, 2019


Postmodernism’s Far-Reaching Effects on Humanity

By June Low  |   When people agree to disagree, we often hear them say, “That’s true for you but not for me,” or “That’s just your perspective.” Sounds familiar? Chances are, they’re representing postmodernist thinking. Many scholars have tried to define postmodernism, but a wide range of definitions exist. And that is the exact

The Three Character Classic(三字经): Education in Ancient China

The Three Character Classic, or San Zi Jing, is the best known classic Chinese text for children. Written by Wang Yinglin (1223–1296 A.D.) during the Song Dynasty, it has been memorized by generations of Chinese, both young and old. 养不教,父之过。教不严,师之惰。子不学,非所宜。 幼不学,老何为。玉不琢,不成器。人不学,不知义。 However, after the Cultural Revolution in China, the Three Character Classic was banned and


10 Things Not to Miss at Jewel Changi

2019 has been amazing to Changi Airport thus far, after being crowned as the World’s Best Airport for the seventh consecutive year! You can imagine the enormous hype when it was announced that Singapore’s latest icon Jewel Changi Airport opens its door to the public this month. Designed and led by the same team (Safdie

Marriage or Chastity?

In ancient China, widows who decided not to remarry were considered models of loyalty and chastity. At the same time, when it came to major life-changing events, the Chinese believed that it was heaven, not mortals, who had the final say over one’s destiny. This principle is embodied in the folktale behind the proverb “Just


10 Best Japanese Buffet in Singapore

It’s undeniable when it comes to food; Japanese cuisine is one of the most loved by Singaporeans. Even more so if it’s in the form of free flow high-quality buffet, you get the best of both worlds! But there are just so many choices, you could say, that is why we’re here to help! Here’s

chinese writing

Simplified Beyond Sense: The Travesty of Modern Chinese Writing

Heartless love, depopulated villages. Flying with one wing, falling into a well—we are told this is “progress.” The above may sound like opening lines to stories about calamities or Kafkaesque dystopias, but they are in fact all valid and perhaps unavoidable interpretations of modern Chinese writing. Chinese script denotes meaning rather than sound, setting it

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