April 5, 2019

Making People Laugh 

For TV buffs, Maguire Jian should be a familiar face. The multi-talented artiste is a celebrity emcee, comedian, actor and founder of A LUCAS EVENTS. He was also the choreographer for Star Search Grand Final 2003; the producer, Shiong Qiang, had approached him for his assistance. His characteristic spiky hairstyle playfully hints at his entertainer

The Beads and Beats of Sarawak

The Beads and Beats of Sarawak

Sarawak, also known as Bumi Kenyalang (Land of the Hornbills) is the largest state in Malaysia, and one of two Malaysian states on the island of Borneo, bordering Indonesia, Sabah and Brunei. Apart from its rainforest, hornbills and orang utans, Sarawak is also distinctive for its people. Its indigenous communities of more than 45 recognised

(Credit: regan725 @ Instagram)

10 Bargain Items to Buy in Mustafa Centre

A premier 24-hour shopping centre, Mustafa Centre prides itself in its vast range of goods and services at famously competitive prices. It’s a hot spot for locals looking for electronics, money exchange rates, family value packs, and other items at bargain rates compared to other retailers across Singapore. Here are 10 bargain items at Mustafa

Seeking A Justice That Has Come Too Late

Seeking A Justice That Has Come Too Late

On a sweltering Monday afternoon, three ordinary people gathered for an extraordinary purpose—to bring former General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and President of China Jiang Zemin to justice. They held Jiang accountable for his role as the mastermind behind the massive persecution and genocide of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Ms Pan, Mr

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