January 12, 2019

New Don Don Donki Ciry Square Mall

New Don Don Donki Opens at City Square Mall—The Biggest Ever!

It’s refreshing to visit the new Don Don Donki outlet @ City Square Mall, especially if you just squeezed through a sea of Friday crowd from the nearby Mustafa Shopping Centre. The biggest of the Donki chain in Singapore – and Southeast Asia – the new outlet at B2 City Square Mall covers 26,000 sq

USA vs. Russia – A ‘Cold War’ on Two Fronts

1. Isolation: Forming Alliances with the Countries Surrounding Russia In December 2017, the US administration issued a document entitled “National Security Strategy” (NSS), in which it explained in detail to the American people, US allies and the various agencies of the administration, exactly who the enemies of the United States are. The document defined two

“A broken mirror joined together”

A Broken Mirror Joined Together (破鏡重圓)Pò Jìng Chóng Yuán

During the late Southern and Northern Dynasties (A.D. 420–581), in the state of Chen, there lived a princess named Lechang who was known for her beauty and intelligence. Attracted by his talent and knowledge, she married an official named Xu Deyan. The young couple loved each other dearly and, for a time, lived happily together.

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