December 22, 2018

Are We Content With What Charity Organisations and Foundations Are Doing in Singapore?

In late imperial China, public goods like basic education or bridge construction were mostly enabled with voluntary contributions of local notable individuals. They helped fill the gap in social needs and strengthened the spirit of charity among the locals through actions of giving. Philanthropy played an important role in ensuring the sustained functioning of society.

gaming addiction

Online Games Addiction

Unsurprisingly, Singapore has a rather avid gaming culture – just look around and you will see cybercafes full of teenagers clicking away and at home, teens and adults alike gaming late into the wee hours. You do not even have to look far: young children are playing with their parents’ mobile phones nowadays, and they

Giving Cause for Hope

“My idea is this: I can’t save a generation of people now, but if one of the children becomes a significant person, more lives can be changed.” – Linus Lin, founder of Global Village for Hope On December 21, 2012, he didn’t expect the new Mayan calendar to bring about a new era for him. But


Cancer—Staying Informed and Seeking Support

One in six deaths worldwide is due to cancer, while in Singapore, the figure is one in three deaths. According to the Singapore Cancer Society, about 37 people are diagnosed with cancer every day. In 2015, cancer made up 29.7% of the total deaths in Singapore, the highest among all other causes of death, as

truthful news reporting where should Singapore stand

Truthful News Reporting: Where Should Singapore Stand?

The compromise of press freedom in the mass media industry is a familiar topic. However, given the rapid connectivity of today’s society, such a compromise has so far-reaching an impact that a revisit of this topic would be necessary. Where does Singapore stand in truthful news reporting? And what are some lessons we can learn

guy picking up a lost a lost purse/wallet

How Honest Are You?

You might’ve heard the axiom that ‘honesty is the best policy’, and that it’s important to be truthful in our daily lives. So, what would you do if you found a wallet on the street? Would you keep it, or would you return it to its rightful owner? In July 2016, a Japanese expatriate was


[Keeping Traditions Alive!] Homegrown Music Association Revives Nanyin

As the music ensemble begins to play, a transformation comes over the voluble and energetic Lim Ming Yi, an administrative manager and principal musician of Siong Leng Musical Association. Seated in the centre with a wooden clapper, her bearing is sombre as she sings the nanyin vocal piece ‘Nostalgia’. “I am very bubbly now, but

Grace Ng, founder of the Eczema & Allergies - Go Natural Health Champions Support Group, and her youngest son Percy. (Courtesy of Grace Ng)

One Woman’s Battle With Eczema and ‘Topical Steroid Addiction’?

Grace Ng, founder of the Eczema & Allergies – Go Natural Health Champions Support Group, talks about her struggle with eczema and ‘topical steroid addiction’, as well as her efforts to raise awareness about the condition. At So Clever SG, the Oral English & Writing Classroom in Centropod along Changi Road, we meet up with Grace Ng, founder of the Singapore-based, Eczema & Allergies

Matthew Quek, an educator, singer-songwriter and vocal specialist (

When Life Is Hard, Bounce Back Like a Roly-Poly Toy

“The true worth of an individual lies in not how many accolades and credentials one receives, but the kind of person one is, within the heart and character.” – Matthew Quek, educator, singer-songwriter and vocal specialist In an exclusive Epoch Times’ interview, award-winning singer and educator Matthew Quek and local film director Kelvin Sng speak about

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Should Indonesia Emulate Singapore’s Model of Eradicating Corruption?

Not only does truthfulness among people create peace of mind and promote relationships of trust, but it is also the basis for a nation’s survival. A culture of dishonesty leads to endemic corruption, and corruption is often known as a destroyer of prosperity. Thus, since independence, Singapore’s leaders have made the eradication of corruption one of


In a World of Deceit: My Encounters With Dishonesty

These infuriating brushes with swindlers dampened my trip in Vietnam. With a sceptical mindset, I grew more wary and began to distrust the people around me. Wouldn’t it be great to be living in a society where people are truthful and sincere? Sincerity and trustworthiness are traditional moral virtues revered by several societies and religions.

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