By Chris Chia
7 February 2020
Singapore has raised the DORSCON level to orange today, which indicates a situation where the disease is severe and spreads easily from person to person. See the chart below from the Ministry of Health.
This follows from three new confirmed cases today that have no links to previous cases or have no recent travel history to China.
The three cases are labelled Case 31, Case 32, and Case 33. All are confirmed 2019-nCoV positive on 6 February at 11pm.
Case 31 is a 53-year old Singapore male who developed symptoms on 23 January and visited The Life Church and Missions at MacPherson Road during the Chinese New Year.
Case 32 is a 42-year old Singapore female who developed symptoms on 2 February and stays at Elias Road and works in Victoria Junior College. She also visited the Changi Airport and the Singapore Zoo.
Case 33 is a 39-year old Singapore female who reported symptoms on 30 January.
The graph below shows the number of confirmed cases in Singapore since 23 January.
DORSCON stands for Disease Outbreak Response System Condition. It is a colour-coded framework to indicate the severity of the current disease situation.
During level orange, large-scale events should be cancelled or deferred. Daily health checks should be performed at workplaces. For more information, check the government’s website.
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