February 7, 2020

Food Stockpiling Started in Singapore as DORSCON Level Raises to Orange

7 February 2020 Singapore has raised the DORSCON level to orange today, which indicates a situation where the disease is severe and spreads easily from person to person.   See the chart below from the Ministry of Health. This follows from three new confirmed cases today that have no links to previous cases or have no

Wuhan Coronavirus 2019-nCoV Singapore Update: 6 Feb 2020

6 February 2020 There are two new confirmed nCoV cases in Singapore on Thursday February 6, according to Singapore’s Ministry of Health.  They are labelled Case 29 and Case 30. Case 29 is a 41-year-old Singaporean male with no recent travel history to China.  He developed fever on January 28 and was admitted to Mount

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