By Yonatan Ang,
It’s that time of the year to tidy things up in your home. What better way to do that than to heed advice from de-cluttering guru Marie Kondo, who has taken the civilized world by storm with her best-selling book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing”?
She advises a sequence to de-clutter the junk in your house: First do the clothes, then the books, the papers, the small items, then the sentimental items. For each item, keep it only if it sparks joy; otherwise, you can throw it away.
So rigorous and meticulous is her de-cluttering approach that she even advises which time of the day is best to do the de-cluttering task; who should or should not be around you when you do it, and so on. Marie Kondo has turned simple de-cluttering tasks into a ritual of sorts.
Here, we share some ceremonial tips on how to fold different types of clothes.
1. Folding T-shirts

2. Folding Shirts

3. Folding Trousers

4. Folding Blouses

5. Folding Dresses

6. Folding Turtle Neck Sweaters

7. Folding Turtle Neck Sweaters