December 24, 2018

Social Media: What You Post Online May Ruin Your Future

Have you ever been in an online chatgroup that made you uncomfortable? Or have you ever seen online postings that you felt crossed a line in some way? What did you do?  Think about the times when social media platforms caused you to stop and consider your own online presence. What were those postings and

Technology and the Future Workforce

A paper by Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne estimates that around 47 percent of total US employment is at risk of being replaced by computerisation within a decade or two. The chart below summarises key highlights from their paper, ‘The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerisation?’ (September 17, 2013): Probability

Startup Woman in Singapore

People often think that men take precedence over women in the business world. However, some say the future of startup belongs to women. What is your opinion? Undeniably, women still have a long way to go to surpass men in the startup scene, particularly in the tech arena. However, founder of Startup Asia Women (SAW),

Should Singapore Firms Invest in China or Steer Clear?

In 2015, the World Bank ranked China as seventy-eighth in the world for overall “ease of doing business”. I believe this poor ranking is due to three regulatory obstacles in China: bureaucratic red tape, the inconsistent interpretation and enforcement of rules and regulations— which appear to be completely discretionary—and the fickle lawmaking environment.   Before


Recipe: Singapore’s Favourite 9-Layer Kueh (九层糕)

It seems that people are craving for anything colourful. The rainbow cakes craze has been hitting bakeries and cafes around the world. But, stand aside, rainbow cake… Singapore has its own version of colourful steamed cake called 9-layer kueh, which is coated with a different colour on each layer, long before the entrance of rainbow cake.


Should Singapore Firms Invest in China or Steer Clear?

In early March 2017, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced his target of a 6.5% economic growth this year. The Chinese government also aims to create 11 million new urban jobs in 2017. Plans are in place to keep cash within the country as Chinese companies spend close to 130 billion pounds in 2016 (S$226 billion,

Automation: MAN vs. MACHINE—Not If, But When

Nowadays, it is hard to imagine the world without automation. ‘Doing more with less’ has become a maxim at every social stratum, all in the name of improving quality of life. Will there be a turn to the mutualistic symbiosis between man and machine? While this topic is still hotly debated, its impact on society

As stated by Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers Association, there exists around one vending machine per 23 people in Japan. And the annual sales of these 5 million vending machines across Japan total more than $60 billion. (Internet Photo)

Vending Machines Are Coming to Singapore in a Big Way

I love the convenience of a vending machine. With the vending machine, I can purchase what I want simply by pressing the button after inserting coins or notes. And I am fascinated each time the product pops out of the machine like magic. Furthermore, I won’t be stalked or pestered by commission-driven salespeople. I’ve experienced

Volunteers recording information of donated food. (Courtesy of Food Bank Singapore)

Reducing Food Wastage

Have you heard of The Food Bank Singapore (FBSG)? And do you know that apart from Singapore, the “food bank” also exists in countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong, and more? The names of the food bank may be different, but their purpose is the same – a non-profit and

One of the most popular Tang-style dresses –“Qi Xiong Ru Qun (齊胸襦裙)”, in which the short shirt jacket is tucked inside the skirt, and the skirt is tied very high up on the chest and under the armpits. (Designed by Zhaoqing Wang, NTD Global Han Couture Design Competition) (Edward Dai/The Epoch Times)

Singapore Han Cultural Society: Reviving Chinese Han Couture (Hanfu)

Chinese people are called “hua ren” (華人), but do you know that the word “hua” (華) was derived from the beautiful clothing worn by the Han Chinese? Many people assume qipao (cheongsam) to be the quintessence of traditional Chinese dressing, but qipao is actually the traditional clothing of the Manchus, not the Chinese. The Han Chinese – the largest ethnic

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