December 18, 2018

PlayDate Singapore: The Importance of Reading Aloud to Kids

Reading is extremely important for kids, as it is the foundation and backbone of knowledge. A child’s reading skill is crucial to their academic success in school.– Ms Norashikin Haslir, the founder of PlayDate Singapore (WATCH: PlayDate: Where books come out to play…) The class at PlayDate Singapore is a literary playground, where preschoolers participate in storytelling and

The Secret to Acing PSLE Problem Sums

(WATCH: The Secret to Acing PSLE Problem Sums – Genius Young Minds) Ms Nur Hidayah Ismail, principal of Genius Young Minds (GYM), has an open secret that many parents aren’t aware of. She knows the exact formula to unleash a child’s success in mathematics. According to Ms Nur Hidayah, these maths concepts made easy methods, help


Are Elderly Too Old for Technology?

The 2014 IDA Survey shows that one-third of senior citizens are using their smartphones to access the Internet, a 19 percent increase from 2012. Nowadays, it is common to see people in Singapore possessing smart gadgets. Board a bus or take the MRT, and most commuters have their eyes glued to their phones, especially the

The Lagoon 42. (Courtesy of SYS)

Singapore Yacht Show 2017: Ultra-Luxury on the Sea

Held between April 6 to 9, the Singapore Yacht Show 2017 was slated to feature luxury yachting at its best. Yachting is often seen as an opulent indulgence, or even a way for affluent city dwellers to take a little refuge at sea without leaving behind life’s luxuries. Between 6 to 9 April 2017, yachting aficionados

Mr Eric van der Hoeven, CEO of JTH Group at JOS Innovation Awards 2016-17, held on Mar 3, 2017, at The Arts House. (Epoch Times)

JOS Innovation Awards 2016-17

“Skillset is just one part of the equation. Attitude, energy and enthusiasm are so much more important than skillset alone.” – Mr Eric van der Hoeven, CEO of JTH Group It’s your attitude, not your aptitude that determines your altitude, said Mr Eric van der Hoeven, CEO of JTH Group, in an exclusive interview with Epoch Times.


Are Singaporeans Compassionate?

According to the 2014 World Giving Index, Singapore ranked 18th for how often residents donate to charity. Compassion and kindness are fundamental traits that define mankind. Some philosophers like Laozi consider them inborn qualities to all humans. But since ancient times, they have been universally regarded as qualities of the virtuous. In our politically and

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